i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

- by E.E. Cummings


昨天電視在播我讀了和看了一千零一遍的 In Her Shoes﹐一到婚禮開始﹐Maggie 說有個驚喜要給Rose的時候﹐我的眼淚就快要掉出來了﹐當然她念完詩時﹐我已經滿臉都是淚了。不知道為什麼﹐這首詩對我有那麼大的力量。特別放上來分享

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