我大姊寫的﹐是在她公司發生的事情。認識我的都知道我們一家搬來美國有十六年(快十七年了)﹐所以我們平時都是英文為主﹐在家裡才會有時候混著講。所以我看到大姊寫得 這篇 時﹐覺得很好笑。我整篇放上來﹕
不知道為什麼﹐最近在公司一直有 telemarketer 打電話來﹐包括有很多中國那邊用網路電話打來的。 他們這些人也很奇怪﹐ 打來的第一句話是“ 你說中文嗎﹖”
前幾次我還以為是不會說英文的客人打來的 (以前曾經接過這樣的電話﹐不過那些人也很奇怪﹐ 我剛好會說中文﹐ 如果是以前公司的妹妹接的電話﹐她又不會說中文﹐ 這些人是要怎樣﹖)﹐ 所以我就會用中文回答。 後來知道這些是telemarketer 打來的﹐ 我故意裝做聽不懂中文。。
我﹕ (公司名字) How can I help you?
中國人﹕ 您講中文嗎﹖
我﹕ Excuse me? (裝做聽不懂)
中國人﹕ 您講中文嗎﹖
我﹕ Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about, do you speak English? (我聽不懂你在說什麼﹐ 你會說英文嗎﹖)
中國人﹕ 您講中文嗎﹖
我﹕ Huh?
中國人﹕ 您講中文嗎﹖
我﹕ (心裡想﹐哇勒﹐你怎麼還不掛電話﹖) How many time are you going to say "您講中文嗎"。 掛掉電話。。。。
WTF?! Is it possible that they don't understand ANY English at all? But
then, what makes them think that if they keep asking that question, the
party on the other end would miraculously start speaking Chinese? What a bunch of dumb asses.
好啦﹐叫人家 dumb asses 真的不好聽﹐這個我道歉。可是我還是覺得整個情況很好笑就是了。結果就有人來叫囂囉~~~
what makes you think that everybody is capable of speaking English?=.=
you think that every single person has such an opportunity that they
could travel around the world like you and spend money that's not
earned by yourself but your parents just to let you be rude and
yes i do admit that they are often annoying but that's their job!!
that's what they have to do in order to stop worrying about whether they're gonna get their next meal!!
They're not like you who sit on a couch and expect food to automatically fly into your mouth
Simply cant believe how ignorant you are and I beg you just to have slightly more sympathy in people like them!
You live a comfortable life, that's your business repect those who don't!
所以妳認為每一個人都像妳一樣有機會世界旅遊﹐花不是自己賺﹐是父母賺的錢﹐ 然後讓妳自大沒禮貌﹖
First of all, you obviously don't read carefully enough. The owner of
this blog lives AND works in the U.S., where English is the official
language. So it is funny to me that someone would call a retail place
in the U.S. asking the person that answers if he/she spoke Chinese, IN
CHINESE! Honestly, what were they thinking? To top it off, after being
replied to in English a few times, the caller continued to ask the
question in Chinese.
Now, I ask you, if TaiDuMei was a non-Chinese speaking person,what
would she do? She would hang up, right? I do that to people that call
my office speaking Spanish, since I don't really speak Spanish. It goes like this:
(現在我問妳﹐如果 TaiDuMei 是個不會講中文的人﹐她會如何做﹖她會掛掉電話﹐對吧﹖有人打來我工作講西班牙文時﹐我就是如此做的。像這樣﹕)
Me: Good morning, {name of my work}, how may I help you?
Caller: Hola, %^$%$#(^....
Me: Excuse me?
Caller: Como (*&(&%##&*())&!@#$%^&*
Me: Sir, sorry, I don't speak Spanish.
Caller: (&*^*%^##&*% espanol*(&^&*%#
Me: == CLICK == (Hang up the phone)
** 這對話我就不翻譯了。
Now, you don't know me, so please don't assume that I'm someone that
travels the world with my dad's hard earned money. I've lived AND
worked in the U.S. for quite a long time now, pay my bills & spend
the money that I earn from my full-time job, thank you very much.
(現在﹐你不認識我﹐所以請不要假定我是個花爸爸的錢四處旅遊的人。我在美國住&工作很久一段時間了﹐我付我的帳單 & 花我自己上班賺的錢﹐謝謝)
What makes you think that I sit on the couch and wait for food to "fly"
into my mouth? What inspired you to write a comment like such makes me
wonder. Anyone that knows me would deem your comments on me quite
I know that it was the guy's job to call, because I was once a
telemarketer. The point of this post and my subsequent comment was
based on how hilarious the guy was and how the whole conversation went
down. Have you no sense of humor?
So what if I live a comfortable life? Like I said, you DON'T know me,
so naturally you wouldn't know how hard my life once was. Call me
arrogant all you want, and I can care less, because I don't know you,
and I know that I'm not arrogant.
Peace out.