
** 請戴好墨鏡**

Minh 因為在上班﹐休息時間未到﹐所以我們用簡訊在聯絡。(我翻譯的不是很好﹐見笑了)

他忽然傳了這個問題﹐ 不愧我大姊給他的“夢幻王子”這個綽號﹐ 畢竟我還沒想到這一點﹕

Where do you think you would've ended up if you had finished school, honey?

Even if I had found a nice job out there (in Philadelphia), my dad would have eventually persuaded me to come back to California.  So we would still have a chance to cross paths.  I am glad that we did!  you are the one that I spent years searching for, honey!  I think that fate would have eventually brought us together, whether I finished school or not.  
(就算我在費城找到一個好的工作﹐我爸也總是會說服我回來加州﹐所以我們還是會有相遇的機會。我很高興我們相遇了!  你就是我花了多年找尋的那個人!  我想﹐緣份最後還是會把我們帶在一起的﹐不管我當初有沒有完成學業。)  


I just can't help but believe that fate had a hand in us getting together.  Past relationships, where we're at in our lives, and our mindsets.  It just seems so perfect.  I'm still expecting to wake up tomorrow and have this all be a dream.  One of the greatest feelings I had was waking up and seeing you sleeping next to me.  I love you, honey, and I want to be all old and crinkled with you!
(我無法不相信緣份把我們放在一起。這一切﹐我們過去的關係﹐我們在生命的點﹐還有我們的想法﹐一切都很完美。我還是在等待醒來發現這一切都是夢。其中最好的感覺﹐是睡醒時看到妳睡在我身邊。我愛妳﹐ 我要和妳一起變老變皺。)



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