
這個是剛剛在 MySpace 上收到的﹕

From: *+*psychicbriana*+*
Date: Sep 27, 2008 11:48 PM

Hi how are you I don't Usual Send People Messages, But your Profile popped on my screen, And i was Picking Up Alot of Negativity Around Your Aura There Alot Of Jealous People "around" You To Your face There your friends But Behind Your back They Talk Bad About You.. I see You Show a Smile Upon Your Face But DeepDown Inside Your Very Hurt.. there's so Many things You need to Know About Send me A Message Back ASAP! alota things tru love that iam seeing,, but there's people who dont wanna see you happy,
trough love and other things in life..... i need to talk to you about your near future. your looking to be happy in love.

You know, if your e-mail had a better grammar and punctuation, there would be a small chance that I would believe in what you have to say. But the way you wrote the e-mail just totally told me not to even bother. So, after sending this message to you, I'm going to delete it. Peace out!

結果她竟然再回過來﹐真的比我還要無聊。先別說錯字一堆了﹐大寫亂用﹐文法亂來﹐完全沒有逗點 & 句點在該有的地方﹐還敢自稱“律師的女兒”﹐真的有句好笑! 放上來給看的懂英文的朋友笑一笑。請別介意我沒翻譯﹐因為我翻譯很不好﹐而且翻譯到中文﹐原本的笑點就沒有了。

it's not that my dauther broke some of my keys so you dont gotta be so mean iam a layers dauther i know alota about grammer but my daither broke the keys so dont be rude god dont like that sorry for bothering just bein nice to tell you there's a curse sround you and wanted to help you remove it for free but never mind deal with it


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