
我偶爾會上 看看最新的八卦新聞﹐通常都是看了就算了﹐不一定會 take it seriously。不過今天看到的讓我很有話說。


You know you've made it big when others start making covers of your songs. But this remix is a bit different.

It seems that the people at a church in Blacklick, Ohio, aren't too thrilled with Katy Perry's catchy I Kissed A Girl song.

So... they've decided to change it up a bit.

The Havens Corners Church now has a sign outside with the new lyrics they've added to the song.

It says, "I kissed a girl and I liked it" and adds, "Then I went to hell."

The church pastor, Rev. Dave Allison, says that the sign is intended as "a loving warning to teens" since the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin.

He did admit that the sign has confused some people who don't know the song or get the message.

Guess Katy isn't that big in Ohio.

What do U think of the message?

基本上就是說Katy Perry 最近很紅的歌 "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It" 被俄亥俄州的一個教會批評﹐教會的牧師 並在教會外面的牌子顯示這首歌的名字﹐然後在後面加上一句 "Then I went to hell."  原因呢﹖他說因為聖經裡面寫說同性戀是罪惡的。

接下來是我的觀點﹐我先說了﹐I'm a sinner, so yes, I'm passing judgments here.  對宗教比較敏感的就請轉臺吧~~~ 畢竟我只是個佛教出生﹐但也在教會學了幾年的普通人。你問我到底是哪一教的教徒﹖我可以現在告訴你﹐都是﹐也都不是。I only believe in the goodness taught in every religion, not the religion itself.  After all, religion was created by the mankind, and I don't believe in blindly following one.

我不是一個很專心的聖經學生﹐也不能說我讀過每一頁﹐可是據我所知﹐在 Leviticus 裡面所說的﹐可以解釋說“同性的性行為”是罪惡﹐但並沒有說同性戀是罪惡。  其實聖經本來就是很有爭論性的﹐所以要每個人都有自己的解釋﹐我在這裡說的﹐是字面上的解釋。也有人爭論說聖經是很久以前的人寫的﹐現在觀念很不同了﹐誰 管他裡面如何寫。要這樣想的﹐那也隨便他。

Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

我的感覺呢﹖我覺得同性戀﹐異性戀﹐雙性戀﹐這都是個人的選擇﹐只要沒去刻意的干擾到他人﹐都無所謂。我又是誰﹐能去決定說別人做的是對是錯﹐誰該上天堂 ﹐誰該下地獄呢﹖俄亥俄州的牧師可能在指著 Katy Perry 用聖經譴責她時﹐忘了我們都是人﹐而沒有人是完美無錯的。他如果那麼的相信聖經﹐認為每個人都應該照著聖經生活的話﹐那他譴責 Katy Perry 的動作﹐不是“批評人”的罪惡 (the sin of passing judgment) 嗎﹖那 Matthew 7:1-7:2 的 “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” 他就沒做到囉﹐不是嗎﹖

其實我如此寫這個牧師﹐當然也是在批評他﹐可是我前面說過了﹐I'm a sinner﹐so yes, I pass judgments.  當然我不是說牧師就應該是完美的﹐畢竟他也是人。不過他既然是在眾人前教導聖經﹐不是該試著做榜樣嗎﹖

We can argue on the whole judgment issue all day, but I won't.  It is what it is.

我只是覺得﹐他譴責 Katy Perry﹐並在她的歌名後面加詞的舉動是沒必要的。因為這樣雖然有“警告”年輕人的意思﹐讓年輕人比較不會“誤入歧途”﹐但是也同時了教導了批判別人的行為。

而且﹐就算有人接受到了這個 message﹐如果剛好這個人本身是同性戀卻還不確定呢﹖那他/她可能一輩子都會背著這個包袱而去做違反自己的想法的事﹐譬如說一個男孩子年輕時還未出 櫃﹐卻為了“不要下地獄”的包袱而取妻生子﹐想想看﹐這對他的心靈有多大的創傷﹖更者﹐如果在結婚數年後﹐他毅然決定要面對自己的性向而出櫃﹐那不就傷到 了一個原本可以不必受這種傷害的女人﹖

光去看待他/她們呢﹖我們都是人﹐只是想法﹐認知﹐嗜好﹐興趣﹐種種的不同﹐這樣就代表誰比較好﹐誰比較不好嗎﹖I think not. 

我不是在這裡推榜同性戀﹐我要說的﹐是不管是什麼性向﹐都是個人的選擇。不喜歡或不習慣看到兩個男人手牽手 / 兩個女人當眾親嘴﹖頭轉一邊不要看就好啦! 他/她們礙到你了嗎﹖


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