
在eHarmony 第一個實驗失敗後﹐這個星期內有了接下來的幾個實驗﹐不過都在第一或第二步奏後就覺得不適合而結束溝通﹐也有些是看完 profile 後就覺得不適合﹐更有些是在看完我的 profile 後就按“close”的。從上星期到今天﹐eHarmony 一共幫我找了73 個matches﹐有62個已經在“closed”的那個種類。目前還 open 的﹐只有兩個有跟我在溝通中﹐其他都還沒有。這兩個一個在第三階段。

第三階段是什麼呢﹖就是在互相問&回答五個問題﹐並分享彼此的“一定要有&不能忍受的東西”後﹐所問的第二組問題﹐各三個問題。我已經丟了三個問題過去﹐就等他的回答了。我用的是eHarmony 預設的幾個問題﹕

1. How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles? Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?

2. Describe your spirituality.

3. What are you looking for in a relationship partner?


另一個有在溝通的﹐剛好因為我跟他同樣時間在電腦前﹐所以從第一步奏到 open communication﹐只花了兩個鐘頭。他叫Adam﹐猶太人﹐28歲﹐五呎八﹐在電視台工作。感覺起來大概是跟我差不多愛走搞笑路線的吧。回答問 題也蠻真誠的感覺。我問的第二組問題是比較私人的﹐問題下面是他的回答。

1.  How do you feel about a girl that can handle herself, such as putting furniture together without asking for help?

Fantastic, maybe you can help me figure out how to put together the furniture that I'm not all that great at putting together.


2.  If you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with your immediate family like? Are you very close, somewhat close, or distant?

I'm at my brothers house right now talking with him. My parents and I get along although because of their handicap I'd say we never truly had a child/ parents relationship. But yeah I visited them a couple days ago and watched some TV with the folks :)


3.  Do you believe that men & women can be just friends? Are you OK with your girlfriend having guy friends?

I've got friends that are girls, I got friends that are guys, the only difference is the friends that are girls usually have a more feminine attitude. I even got ex'es that ended up being great friendships and probably should of just been that.





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