換了號碼後﹐我得到清靜的幾個鐘頭﹐然後又開始響個不停﹐都是陌生男人打來的。 我的第一個反應是“那五叩零﹖” 只能罵Perry 大頭! 他沒事先告訴我說那支手機的密碼前女友應該知道。廢話﹐有 了密碼﹐她可以直接打去電話公司隨便掰個謊就能拿到我才花 $5 換的號碼。他如 果有事先告訴我﹐我換號碼時就會一併把密碼改掉了。所以﹐我再花了 $5 第二次 換號碼才真正的得到安寧。後來逼他請我吃大餐算是補償我 $10 + 精神損失也順便 去晦氣﹐哈哈哈~~ 這是他轉寄給我的最後一篇 (後來他收的煩了﹐乾脆看也不看就直接刪掉。)

Perry 說﹕
I usually am very good about respecting one's privacy, but given her infantile behavior this past weekend, she deserves nuttin', much less any right to privacy. So here's her latest:

just want to let you know that i decided i dont want to share....its against my principle to share.. i guess when it comes to matters of the heart im a little selfish...it wouldn't be right too... its much better to give... i realized there's a lot out there for me... i was excited with my date last sunday morning for coffee. he is 44 and he is an engineer living in redondo beach... his name is andrew. he is italian and is from rochester new york...he has a masters too and is a mechanical engineer. we had coffee at starbucks and he was a very good listener. he was not fresh and not fast.. he was a gentleman.. really sweet... later on he invited me to meet his friend who was supposed to have his bday party in redondo beach. i had fun coz they were a neat crowd. we were joking coz i sent him one of my clubbing pics and he told me that by just looking at my lips gives him a hard on... now that was funny... well i was really sexy in that pic.. can't blame him... lol...

i know i told you that i love you and i still do but the pleading and winning back has been very exhausting and has become an exercise in futility so i gave kindda gave up... i hope you understand.. i need to move on and the best way to do it is to go out and have fun and meet other nice people. i dont want to stay at home cry and mop. no use wallowing in self pity...i realiuzed there are ways you can be really happy.. dating has never been so exciting... lol... i have an excuse to dress up and be beautiful again.

im living in lakewood and it kinnda sucks because i am bored there... after dinner and cleaning up (coz i live with my uncle and his wife.. really old people) I just go to my big room and watch tv.. they dont have a computer there... i havent had the chance to visit gen and the kids... i was there saturday afternoon but went back to lakewood right away coz they were waiting for me there. my problem now is on how to ask for permission to date since im not staying with gen anymore i wont be able to go on overnights.

i have several suitors.. joe left for louisianna to be with his mom who had a bypass... he's out of the pic now... i have andrew.. then there's rick from santa monica.. he was one of my chatmates before... then there's henry who was so sweet he sends me minutes to refill my phone so we can talk.. i've become a hot item suddenly.. lol...

Perry 說﹕她大概是希望他會嫉妒吧﹖! 
他又說﹕我嫉妒啥﹖妳比她 hot 多了﹐個性也比較好﹐也沒有要把我綁住的企圖 (這倒是真的﹐我沒把他當作“男朋友”當過﹐最多是男性朋友 + benefits 而已)

but dont you worry coz I am still cautious and I am still decent. I've learned my lesson... never trust right away... I have to see who's deserving, right?

I dont want to sell myself short so im not gonna share you. If you require me of that then my answer's gonna be NO. She can have you. Infidelity has no justification. I dont live by that code and im not too desperate to share.. out of my book... i told you before I promised myself I will never become a mendicant for someone's love or attention.

我看到這裡時故意糗他﹕吼~~ 你腳踏兩條船喲﹖!  (他大喊“我是冤枉的!!”)


可是她能幻想到這種地步也太厲害了﹐真是Orz 呀!!!  完全把自己幻想成悲劇主角了嘛~~ 就像白鳥麗子某一集裡面忽然穿著和服坐在踏踏米上低著頭說“那你要去外面玩女人也可以”之類的話。

so, with that I wish us both peace. (Peace 個屁﹐還不是在送出這個 email 幾小時之後開始狂打電話在他答錄機上裝笑
維)  take care of yourself and wish me luck... be safe, be happy.. if you need someone to listen im always here.. of course id still ask you for advise..         躲都還來不及咧~~

Perry 說﹕
(AND "good riddance", although I doubt this is the end of it.)



PS - 這些都是前年六月發生的


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